Our Services | Charterhouse Muller
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Our Services

More than just an IT Disposal partner

Data Integrity and Erasure

For more than two decades we have worked with organisations like yours to ensure that your data is kept safe and secure at all times.


Ideally, we would like to help you extend the life of your IT assets and will work with you on how this can be achieved in the most cost-effective way. This includes disk cleaning and defragmentation, hardware upgrades and back-ups, etc.


To ensure compliance with the ICO and GDPR standards, we are audited and accredited to the ADISA ICT Asset Recovery Standard 8.0 for the processing of your IT asset data.

Secure IT Asset Management

Protecting your organisation’s data and reputation is now more important than ever before.


Not only is it a legal requirement under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR), but essential to ensuring that your customers can trust you to keep their data safe and secure.

End of life management and Disposal

Should you need to recycle, our secure IT disposal team will work with you to ensure that you achieve the most sustainable outcomes possible.

Asset Optimisation

For over 20 years we have provided Secure IT Remarketing and Disposal services for our clients. Working with an international network of buyers, we look to achieve the best overall value for our clients’ assets, once all data have been safely removed.


Looking to remarket excess equipment or be added to our buyers’ network?

Contact us today

Our certifications